Almonds, oh almonds.


We love them roasted, in pastry, cakes, basically used in every single way! Almonds!

Just the thought of that amazing and delicious nut makes many people’s mouths water. In today’s day and age almonds are highly sought after, very wide spread and popular. Almonds became a standard item in the culinary world and home use. They benefit us in many ways, for instance they have a positive effect on our health because of their high nutritious values in spite of high contents of fats.

One 100 gram portion of almonds contains:

Fats 49 g
Saturated fats 3,7 g
Poliunsaturated fats12 g
Monounsaturated fats 31 g
Transfatty acids 0 g
Carbohydrates 22 g
Fibers 12 g
Sugars 3,9 g
Protein 21 g

They are also rich in vitamins and minerals, specifically vitamin E and B2, magnesium, mangan and potassium.

We would like to point and suggest you try out ECO grown almonds from OPG Bulić . Be quick while they are still in stock!


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